sábado, 6 de dezembro de 2008

VA - Say "Hello" to the far East (1993)


Fastbacks - Go all the way
Seaweed - Go your own way
The Supersuckers - Hell city, hell
Supersnazz - Uncle Wiggly
Big Chief -One born every minute
Velocity Girl - Crazy town
Pond - Cinders
Rein Sanction - Deeper road
Six Finger Satellite - Solitary hiro
Beat Happening - Not a care in the world
Codeine - Realize
Red Red Meat - Flank
Wipers - Don't know what I am
Sebadoh - Reject
Hazel - Big fatty
The Reverend Horton Heat - Lonesome train whistle
Thee Headcoats - When you stop loving me
The Dwarves - Saturday night



Um comentário:

Pumpkin disse...

Hi! Can you re-upload this one, please?